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16.  Implementing Fee-Based Services in Libraries
(May 2004)
This topical brief provides an introduction to fee-based services in the library world and presents some of the rationales behind implementing charges; in particular, for information services and products. Included are general guidelines for implementing fee-based services and considerations libraries should make when imposing charges.
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17.  Continuing Professional Development of Librarians
(April 2004)
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the lifelong learning that librarians and information professionals engage in so as to refresh their knowledge and skills. This type of learning is crucial for the professional development and competency of the library professional. This topical brief examines in some depth the subject of continuing professional development in the library profession.
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18.  Best Practices in Libraries
(March 2004)
This topical brief looks at some areas in libraries where best practices were applied and has come up with outstanding results. They include digital libraries, knowledge management, virtual reference service, and inter-library loans.
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