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Supportive Environment for Library, Information and Knowledge Professionals
(August 2005) |
The advent of the knowledge age as well as the information technology explosion has meant that the environment in which library professionals are working is ever changing. This dynamic environment calls for expanded professional and personal competencies in library professionals. This CONSAL Brief issue looks at the various ways in which a supportive environment for library professionals can be created in terms of facilitating expanded professional and personal competencies; providing a solid continuing professional development programme; creating a strategy for enhancing the public image of librarians; and marketing the library and information profession. |
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Asian Information Resources
(May 2005) |
With the rise of the two Asian giants (China and India) on the economic and political horizon of the world, much renewed interest in the Asian region has been generated. Research resources on Asia are increasingly being made available and accessible from academic, special, as well as national libraries. At the same time the Internet opens up various gateways to remote sources that would otherwise have remained in the confines of their creator institutions. Libraries are focusing on niche collections relating to specific countries and communities within their Asian collections and this is reflected in the size of such collections.
This month’s topical brief looks at the spread of Asian research resources in academic, research, national and public libraries; the collaborations on resource development; and reference, research and information services. Focus is given to Southeast Asia, China and India.
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Knowledge Management and Libraries
(March 2005) |
Libraries and library communities are fast catching up on knowledge management (KM) and its related fields. This month’s brief looks at KM and some examples of its applications in the library and information services environment. It begins with an attempt at defining KM and moves on to discuss the issue of organisational KM in libraries, including the perception and the reality surrounding KM; the prerequisites for sharing of knowledge; information on KM technology; and tips on organising for KM. This brief concludes with highlights of some points for consideration. |
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