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Library Associations
(February 2002) |
Library associations provide an opportunity for librarians to meet and share experiences and learn from each other. They offer a range of services to members and look after their interests. For outsiders interested in dealing with the profession, they act as the ideal contact point. Although library associations do serve the needs of their members, ultimately, the long-term benefactors are the end-users of the services that these members provide. They lay down standards for performance, protect the continuing existence of special services and monitor the trends in user-needs. This brief provides an overview of library associations. It also charts the history and development of library associations. |
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e-Government Strategies & Practices
(January 2002) |
Increasingly, governments all over the world, of developed and developing countries alike, are going online to provide their citizenry with an additional, and usually more citizen-centric, point of public service. This electronic form of government services delivery is known as e-government. E-government sites are rich sources of information that every librarian would find useful, especially when providing community information services. This brief aims to provide an introductory behind-the-scenes exploration of the subject of e-government. |
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Digital Divide in Southeast Asia
(December 2001) |
This brief provides an introduction to the notion of the digital divide. It gives the causes, consequences and possible solutions to this divide. The focus will be on the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its programmes and initiatives. A smaller section deals with the roles of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and Japan. Web links and recommended reading are structured to provide in-depth information for those who are interested in finding out more about the digital divide. |
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