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46.  Workplace Training & Life-long Learning
(November 2001)
This primer looks at the latest trends in training within organisations and initiatives at a broader level. Defining key aspects of organisational training, the primer then looks at national programmes and organisations that have sought to implement and create a learning organisation.
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47.  Building an Innovative Organisation
(October 2001)
Innovation and creativity are no longer optional, but the key for survival for all organisations. Creating an innovative environment is a non-stop operation. It is a process, a science, and critical for success in all businesses, in all organisations. This brief will look at how ideas can be generated at all levels of the organisation, how a culture of innovation can be instituted, and how management systems can be aligned to make innovation more effective.
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48.  Knowledge Management
(September 2001)
Knowledge Management (KM) reached its height of popularity as a management and business consulting practice a few years ago, with the promise of replacing management information systems with seamless methods of extracting value from intangible sources. This topical brief addresses knowledge management as a lead-in to provide suggestions and starting points for conducting more intensive and focused research on KM practices, strategies and measures.
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