 III. Membership
Membership shall be opened only to institutions and individuals within the member countries in Southeast Asia.
- Categories of membership
There shall be three categories of membership; namely National, Associate and Honorary membership:
- National membership shall be confined to:
- the National Library Association
- the National Library
- Associate membership shall be opened to:
- libraries and related organizations
- individuals interested in the objectives of CONSAL
- Honorary membership shall be conferred to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to CONSAL.
- Admission of membership
- All applications for National membership and Associate membership shall be submitted and approved by the Executive Board.
- Honorary membership shall be conferred by the incumbent Executive Board.
- Privileges and Responsibilities of Members
- Privileges
- Members of all categories shall receive CONSAL Newsletters and other information materials.
- Only the National members have the privilege to vote.
- Responsibilities
- All members are required to uphold the CONSAL Constitution.
- All members shall make efforts to participate in and contribute to all CONSAL activities.
- National members shall be responsible for the input to CONSAL Newsletters.