Sec. 1 Name. There is hereby established an organization of librarians, library associations and institutions from Southeast Asian countries to be known as Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL).
Sec. 2 Secretariat. A CONSAL Secretariat shall be established as maybe decided by the CONSAL Executive Board, in any country in Southeast Asia and shall be headed by a Secretary General.
Sec. 3 Objectives. CONSAL shall have the following objectives:
3.1 Establish, maintain, and strengthen networks, partnerships, and linkages with librarians, libraries, library schools and library associations and related institutions in the region. 3.2 Promote cooperation and provide assistance in the development of librarianship, library and information sciences, documentation, information and related services in the region. 3.3 Cooperate with regional and international organizations, and other institutions in the support of common undertakings and interests of CONSAL. 3.4 Provide the fora for sharing and exchange of information and experiences on issues in the field of librarianship, library and information sciences, documentation, information and related services in the region. 3.5 Any other objectives that maybe approved by the Executive Board
Sec. 4. Membership. CONSAL shall be comprised of national, associate and honorary members.
Sec. 5. National Members. National members shall be composed of:
5.1 The national library association of each country in Southeast Asia. 5.2 The national library of each country in Southeast Asia; and
Sec. 6. Associate Members. Associate members shall compose the following subject to approval of the Executive Board:
6.1 The national library associations of countries outside Southeast Asia; 6.2 The national libraries of countries outside Southeast Asia; 6.3 Libraries and related organizations;
Sec. 7. Honorary Members. Honorary membership shall be conferred to individuals, libraries and related organizations who have made outstanding contributions to CONSAL.
Sec. 8 Admission of Membership
8.1 All applications for Regular National membership and Associate membership shall be subject to the approval of the CONSAL Executive Board. 8.2 Honorary membership shall be conferred by the CONSAL Executive Board.
Sec. 9. Rights and Privileges
9.1 Only national members shall have the sole right to vote or be voted upon. 9.2 All members shall receive newsletters and other publicity materials.
Sec. 10 Responsibilities. All members shall:
10.1 Uphold the CONSAL Constitution 10.2 Actively contribute/participate in CONSAL's activities including the maintenance of the CONSAL website. 10.3 Pay membership fee and annual dues as maybe prescribed by the CONSAL Executive Board. 10.4 Not commit CONSAL to any obligation or have deliberate use of its name without prior approval of the CONSAL Executive Board. 10.5 Contribute to the publication of the CONSAL Newsletter
Sec. 11 Composition. The Executive Board shall be composed of three (3) National members from each country represented in the CONSAL.
Sec. 12 Representation. The members of the CONSAL Executive Board shall be, as follows:
12.1 The president/official representative of the national library association of each country in Southeast Asia; 12.2 The director/official representative of the national library of each country in Southeast Asia; 12.3 Another official representative of the national library association of each country in Southeast Asia;
Sec. 13 Functions and Powers. The Executive Board shall conduct the affairs of the CONSAL and perform such acts as to protect and promote its objectives.
13.1 Meet at least once a year; 13.2 Maintain official and financial records of CONSAL and transmit them to the succeeding Executive Board. 13.3 Organize a general conference at least once every three years and delegate to the members of the Executive Board hosting the general conference, the preparations for such event; 13.4 Receive the financial statement of the previous conference and hand over the seed money to the succeeding CONSAL Executive Board. 13.5 Consider on recommendations and resolutions presented to the Executive Board; and prioritize the implementation of programs, projects or activities which CONSAL will undertake. 13.6 Conduct annual review of programs, projects, or activities undertaken by CONSAL; 13.7 Negotiate and/or receive gifts, bequests and subventions from international organizations, governments, public or private institutions, associations and/or individuals; 13.8 Maintain a bank account in the host country under the name of CONSAL. The authorized official signatories shall be any two (2) of the Treasurer and Chairperson or vice chairperson; 13.9 Confer the CONSAL Outstanding Librarian Award during its General Conference. A Committee on Awards shall be created and a set of criteria established for the purpose; 13.10 Appoint the Secretary-General in consultation with the National member hosting the Secretariat. 13.11 Establish committees and councils as it may deem necessary. 13.12 Affiliate with any regional or international organization in the field of librarianship, library & information sciences, documentation , information and related services; 13.13 Amend the Constitution; and 13.14 Perform other tasks as may be necessary to ensure the successful accomplishment of CONSAL's objectives.
Sec. 14 Meetings. The presence of the national members of six (6) CONSAL member countries shall constitute a quorum.
Sec. 15 Establishment. A Secretariat shall be established in any member country in Southeast Asia as the Executive Board may decide. Preference shall be given to the member country organizing the CONSAL conference to host the Secretariat. Should the said country not be ready to host the Secretariat, the Executive Board may invite bids from other member countries. The Secretariat's administrative, staffing and management costs shall be the responsibility of the host country.
Sec. 16 Secretary General. The Secretariat shall be headed by a Secretary General who shall be appointed by the Executive Board.
Sec. 17 Roles. The Secretary General shall be the Chief Executive of the Secretariat. He/she shall serve as the Secretary of the Executive Board and sit in the Executive Board meetings.
Sec. 18 Term of Office. The Secretary General shall have a three-year term subject to reappointment as the Executive Board may decide.
Sec. 19 Functions The Secretary General shall perform the following functions:
19.1 Administer and oversee the Secretariat affairs and its day-to-day management. 19.2 Receive for consideration and submit for approval of the Executive Board: programs, projects or activities which would promote the CONSAL's objectives. 19.3 Coordinate with and report to the Executive Board on the status of implementations of the programs, projects or activities approved and prioritized by the Executive Board. 19.4 Provide CONSAL member institutions whatever assistance may be feasible. 19.5 Maintain a repository of CONSAL documents and develop/update the CONSAL website. 19.6 Maintain the official and financial report.
Sec. 20 Conference Organizing Committee. A Conference organizing committee shall be established composed of the Members of the Executive Board of the host country.
20.1 The Chairman shall be appointed by and from among the three National members of the host country. 20.2 Other office-bearers shall be appointed by the Chairman in consultation with the National Library Association of the host country. 20.3 The committees shall be organized in the host country which shall take charge of all the preparations and ensure the successful holding of the scheduled CONSAL Conference. 20.4 A Secretary and a Treasurer shall be appointed by the Organizing Committee from among the members of the host country's national library association or the national library. 20.5 The Organizing Committee shall establish such committees as maybe necessary to ensure that the conference is held as scheduled.
Sec. 21 CONSAL shall convene a General Conference at least once every three years in each member country by rotation. The agenda of the last session shall include:
(i) The report of the Current Executive Board activities and Statement of Account; (ii) Consideration and adoption of the resolutions and recommendations of the current CONSAL General Conference; (iii) Consideration of amendments to the Constitution or other matters communicated in writing to the current Executive Board; (iv) Determination of the host countries for the succeeding General Conferences of CONSAL; (v) Review financial statement of the concluding conference
Sec. 22. The General Conference of CONSAL shall include library issues as may be determined by the incumbent Executive Board.
22.1 At least nine months notice shall be given before convening the General Conference of CONSAL.
Sec. 23. General Meeting. The General Meeting shall be held to cap the conference which shall have the following agenda:
(i) Report of the Executive Board (ii) Report on CONSAL Programs/Projects/ Activities (iii) Presentation of action plan or issuance of Declaration/Communiqué/Resolution for greater regional cooperation. (iv) Turn-over to the next chairmanship
Sec. 24. Any matter presented to and considered by the Executive Board shall be decided upon through votation.
24.1 A member of the Executive Board who sits as Chairperson shall exercise his/her right to vote. 24.2 In case of a tie in votation, the Chairperson in his/her capacity shall be allowed to cast another vote to break the tie. 24.3 The manner of voting shall be by show of hands or as the Executive Board may deem appropriate. 24.4 Each member country shall have three votes, two of which shall be cast by the representative/s of the National Library Association and one by the National Library. In the absence of a National Library, all three votes shall be cast by the representative/s of the National Library Association.
Sec. 25. Authority to Amend. The Executive Board has the sole authority to amend or repeal the CONSAL's Constitution. Provided, that a majority of Executive Board members are present to vote on the amendment or repeal.
Sec. 26. Proposed Amendment. Any member of the Executive Board may submit for consideration of the Executive Board the proposal to amend the CONSAL Constitution.
Sec 27. Procedures
27.1 The proposal to amend shall be submitted to the Secretary General at least six (6) months prior to the next Executive Board Meeting. 27.2 The Secretary General within a month from submission shall furnish/transmit copies of the proposal to each member of the Executive Board for reaction/comments. 27.3 Members of the Executive Board shall send in their reactions/comments for consolidation by the Secretary General, two (2) months before the scheduled Executive Board Meeting. 27.4 The proposal for amendment shall be included in the Executive Board Meeting agenda as a matter for consideration. 27.5 The Executive Board in its meeting shall consider and decide on the proposal. 27.6 Such amendments shall be approved by the Executive Board and tabled for information at the General Meeting.
Sec. 28. Language. This Constitution shall be written in the English language.
Sec. 29. Effectivity. This Constitution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the Executive Board on two-thirds vote of its members present.
Adopted on by CONSAL XIII Executive Board at its 3rd Meeting held on March 26, 2006 at Richmonde Hotel, Philippines. |
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