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   To: Choy Fat Cheong
   We had benifeted from this first ever lib. study visits and we strongly recommend to consal thru the Singapore-Phil. Lib. Assn. to institutionalise this activities among librarians to visit each other countries in the future. This is one activity that gives first hand information to us professionals in the region by sharing our experiences.
antonio m. santos (11 Sep 2001)
Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Re:Message to Ms. Mahusay
RE:RE:RE:Re: Ms. Mahusay
RE:Anne Garcia
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
to Nancy T. Tuason (11 Sep 2001
RE:to Nancy T. Tuason (11 Sep 2001
Reply to: Nancy T. Tuason
RE:Reply to: Nancy T. Tuason
reply to: open u
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Educati...
Rajen Munoo (11 Sep 2001Education
Reply to Mr.Rajen
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Dr. Sison
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: Rajen Munoo
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Susan
RE:Reply to Susan
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Atty.. Santos
RE:Edrose Flores
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: V. David
RE:Reply To: V. David
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply To: Susan Higgins
Reply to Susan Higgins Consultation on Higher Libr...
Reply to Antonio
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
Reply to Johnson
To: Choy Fat Cheong
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
**** to help all read better, pls indicate who you...
Antonio M Santos - Scope of Consultation
reply to johnson- Scope of Consultation
Reply to Johnson - Scope of Consultation
Reply to: J. Paul
RE:Reply to Antonio
reply to Johnson
RE:reply to Tessie Moran
RE:RE:reply to Rebbie
RE:RE:RE:reply to Marlo
RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Charry Mahusay
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Edrose
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to DR. Flores
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply to Susan
RE:RRE:reply to Medy
RE:RE:RE:reply to Ms. David
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:reply Ms. Rhodora
RE:To the Committee
RE::To The librarians
Reply to Roxanne
RE:Reply to Johson
Consal Web Online Conference
RE:Consal Web Online Conference
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
To: Rajen Munoo
To All
RE:RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education to ...
Anne L. Garcia (11 Sep 2001)
RE:Anne L Garcia
RE:RE:Johnson D Paul
RE:RE:RE:Anne L. Garcia
RE: Rebecca and Rajen
Johnson: Who's Who of Library Educators and PR...
RE:$5 suggestions
Reply to Johnson
Rebecca: Useful Website
RE: Rajen Munoo
Johnson, Rajen and Rebecca
RE:Johnson, Rajen and Rebecca
Rajen Munoo (11 Sep 2001
RE:RE:To Medie
Reply to Rebecca
RE:Reply to Choy Fatt Cheong
RE:Reply to Rebecca
Reply To: R. M. Jocson
!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 15 mins.
Do we have a conclusion?.
Reply to Bella RE:Do we have a conclusion?.
josie (11 Sep 2001)
RE:Reply to Josie
RE:Some Points
Higher Learning Scholarships
To Consal Secretariat
RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 10 mins.
RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 5 mins.
RE:RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 3 mins.
RE:RE:RE:RE:!!! TO ALL !!! Conference ends in 1min...
RE:Consultation on Higher Library Education
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